We leave early, we come back late (yes, you get to sleep in bean-bags on the way out and back).
We do not prorate trips, or leave late/come back early to fit schedules.
Prices are NOT negotiable. Check prices here before you book please. Boats and Rates
Generally, we don’t do “open boat” trips. Do not block out a date unless you have a crew, or expect to be able to put together a crew. If you need help finding one or two guys, ask, and maybe we can do that. But we will not amass a crew for you. We do get last minute cancelations and sometimes we piece together crews. If you would like to get on our contact list, email john@nyctuna.com or Darren@NYCtuna.com.
We do not recommend going offshore if you’ve never been fishing before. Start with stripers and bluefish.
If you are prone to getting seasick, that’s fine. Take your meds at least an hour before we sail. But do not expect us to turn around 60 miles out cause you are puking.
We do not recommend bringing kids under 12. This kinda fishing takes resilience, patience and quite a bit of upper body strength.
Bring warm dry cloths. It gets chilly even in the summer months.
We have all the gear you need. No need to bring anything. Of course, bring your own gear if you want to.
If you reel with your right hand, and aren’t bringing your own gear, please let us know well beforehand, so we can have gear set up for you.
No, we don’t have onboard restrooms. Go over the side or in a bucket. If you’re not okay with this, don’t book. Capt. McMurray, our chief maintenance guy, spent years in the Coast Guard cleaning/fixing macerator pumps and sewer lines. Not gonna do it anymore.
Yes, bring beer. We certainly have no problem with ya cracking open a cold one after crushing a big-ass tuna. But don’t get underway with us with the express intent of getting hammered. 60 to 80 miles off on a center console is NOT the place to do that.
The mates work for tips. And believe us when when we say they work their asses off. Plan on tipping them something. How much is up to you.
If you are easily offended, this is NOT the trip for you. Yes, most of us have off-color senses of humor, and we like to have fun out there. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Things get intense, there is free and abundant use of expressive, sometimes foul language. Yes, we might yell “keep the line tight!”, or “set the F’n hook”, or even “don’t set the hook” in certain circumstances. And if we lose a fish because you didn’t do what we asked you to do, we’ll let you know that you screwed up. But hey, that’s all part of the tuna fishing experience, and it’s “Beautiful Chaos”. To be clear, none of it is hateful and it’s just about always good natured.
Seeing a tuna smash a popper or feeling one crush a jig mid-turn on the reel is the ULTIMATE fishing experience. We’ve been doing this 20 years and we still freak-out EVERY TIME it happens. We love it. You will love it! But please be aware of what you’re getting into. Cause it’s hardcore! (in a good way)
And please, feel free to ask questions by emailing me @ John@NYCtuna.com. We might not get back to you right away, but we WILL get back to you.